07 March 2010

Silly Sightings

I went to the UW vs. Oregon women's basketball today. I am not afraid to admit that women's basketball usually brings in a weird crowd, but today there were a couple other sightings that were out of the norm.

Olympics Guy: Two rows in front of me sat a guy decked out in full Olympic gear. He had the Canada track jacket and his newsboy cap covered in Olympic pins. Now, sure, the jacket is acceptable to wear all the time, and even the cap without the pins, but I feel like with all the pins on it, it's a little much. Honestly, it's like if a boy scout wore their sash around just because. Maybe he needs it for a conversation piece. But I mean, can you imagine walking up to him and saying "Hey, did you go to the Olympics!?" I can think of two possible answers to that: a) "Duh..." or b) "No..." I would almost be willing to bed that guy's answer would be the latter in which case wearing all that stuff would be even worse. Ha ha!

Shirtless Fans: Usually during men's games, the student section is Dawg PACKED. (zing!) But at women's...yeah, no not so much. So when you have a group of students who are very supportive and shirtless, they stick out a bit more than usual. I've seen them before, but today their group looked a bit slim...in more ways than one. Instead of six, the group had dwindled down to three. This caused a few problems, one being they didn't have enough people to spell anything out so they were just plain shirtless. No chest art or anything. Secondly, they looked like the AT&T bars standing up. Starting on the left with short and progressively getting taller. I know this can happen just any old time, but seriously, they were perfectly separated by size. The medium guy was equally taller than the short guy as the tall guy was taller than the medium guy. It was weird. Thirdly, the poor short guy. I felt like, since they couldn't get the whole group together, they invited along a little brother that hadn't quite finished puberty. I mean, he had showings of some chest hair, but was so small. And his pants were so high. A word to these boys: don't get me wrong, the support is awesome...but sometimes shirts are alright.

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