23 December 2008

The Music Of Disney

So who doesn't love Disney music!? I think we all do. One of my favorite things to listen to over the years for some cheering up or just fun entertainment has been "The Music Of Disney: A Legacy In Song". It is a three disc compilation of Disney songs of the distant past up until Beauty and the Beast. We are talking old songs too, like "That Darn Cat" and "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf". (I'm currently listening to "Higitus Figitus" from The Sword in the Stone!) It is a great compilation that will take you back to the days of the old cartoons and movies that you watched when you were a kid. Other favorites include "The Spectrum Song" and "Duck Tales Theme". Check it out! It will have you nostalgic for hours.

1 comment:

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

I have Disney songs on my ipod!!