18 February 2010

Hiatus: I Hate Us

So clearly I've been missing for a week or so. Well you know, things happen. But I've been very, very busy sleeping in and sitting on the couch. I've been waiting to hear back from some jobs and haven't been away from my phone. Cause you know, if you don't answer when they call you back then they'll figure "oh, she can't answer her phone so obviously she can't handle this job." Being readily available is obviously a quality that people look for in their new hires. I went to the gym a couple times. That must be why I haven't been hired. Because they knew deep down I did something other than waiting for the phone to ring. I did something to take my mind off things. And they still didn't call. You know what?! I'm starting to think I didn't get this job...Even so. I now have time to wait for another one. What other activities can I do involving waiting around? Maybe knitting? Or watching really disappointing basketball like the Huskies played tonight. Or drinking. Which I also did tonight. Don't talk to me. I'm too depressed.

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