23 May 2010

Make-up vs No Make-up

Every now and then I love getting dressed up. Putting on nice clothes, my MK heels and glamming up with some fancy make-up styles. But on normal days, I usually wont put on more than some bronzer and a bit of mascara. I like being natural and, hey, it's so much more comfortable. I like being able to rub my eye without worrying about smearing anything.

However, three times in the last week I have been mistaken for a high school age student! Someone asked me if I was the person who they had just seen in the Ballard High School talent show. Um, NO! I'm a college grad thank-you-very-much. And last night I was helping out my aunt and bartending for her at a party she was throwing. One woman asked me if I was old enough to be doing it. Then being drunk was mentioned and another woman said "You're too young to be drunk." Seriously? First of all, if my aunt was okay with someone underage serving, she would have asked one of her kids. And do I really look that young when I'm not made up? I'm not sure why it bothers me so much, but it does. At least I wasn't the 45 year old woman in a party top. No joke, there was a woman at this party who was wearing a top that one of my sorority sisters would have worn to a frat party our freshman year. AND she had raccoon eyes. As in way too much black eyeliner surrounding her eyes. Does that really look better than au naturale? No. No it doesn't.

Has this ever happened to any of you!?


Stephanie said...

Luckily it hasn't happened to me! But one time I took Victoria to the NEX and the little old lady that checks IDs though she was my daughter!!!! Do I look THAT old? I mean I know I am a sun worshiper, but I don't have wrinkles, yet! I am like you though. I love getting all dolled up but usually for the day time it's a little mascara, bronzer, and a smidgen of blush. Although most days I wear light foundation cause my skin tone is uneven. And yes, 45 is too old to wear a party top. It's roughly 25 years too old.

Erica said...

story of my life, dear. I keep getting told that i look 19- even when I'm wearing full makeup. That's not even old enough to drink in Japan.

just means that we can be cougars when we hit our mid-life crisis