09 January 2010


Ringing in the new year this year was pretty low key, but really fun. Since nothing too exciting seemed to be going on, with other friends out of town and such, my friend Sara invited me to Mona's, a bar by Greenlake. It was a great place, dark and very quaint, but still with life. The bar wasn't too crowded, but I can't stand crowded bars anyways so it was just the way I like it. And they even had a DJ and a dance floor so there was some good jiving and even Limbo, haha! We met some interesting people, one guy who came down by himself from another party and was having a good time alone, another guy in a fedora who seemed to have somewhat of an entourage (of one other guy). It was a funny night. The crowd was a bit older than what we would normally hang out with, but it was a very enjoyable evening and a great way to welcome 2010!

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